
New promotion and banners in Casa &Vídeo - Multiprodutos!

14/05/2019, 21:55  

New promotion and banners in Casa &Vídeo - Multiprodutos;

Come and enjoy!

NEW OFFER - Barela corretagem de seguros!

14/05/2019, 21:54  


Specialists in consulting and brokerage of insurance individual, family, by adhesion and for micro, small and medium companies. It has more than 20 years of operation, about 500 thousand customers served and are a brand of it'sseg company, a company that also operates in the corporate market, offering benefits consulting to large companies throughout Brazil.
  • Geo: Espírito Santo - State, Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo - State;
  • Commission: R $ 4.55 per lead approved.
  • Email marketing piece available;
Come and enjoy!


14/05/2019, 18:22  

The WeVans - Loja de Decoração offer has been paused at the customer's request.
When we return, we'll let you know!


14/05/2019, 18:20  


The perfect combination of 8 amazing ingredients in a formula that is giving you what to talk about. Each ingredient has its "superabsorbents" known for hundreds of years because they possess diversified properties. The boxes come with 60 sachets, ideal quantity for the day to day.
Desinchá was developed over 2 years with the help of nutritionists, research and various tests until it came up with an effective formula that would bring fast but healthy results to people.
  • Geo: Brazil;
  • Commission: 5.6% per confirmed purchase;
  • Materials available.
Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Americanas!

14/05/2019, 18:17  

New promotion and banners in Americanas!

Come and enjoy!

New deals in Santista - Cama, Mesa e Banho!

14/05/2019, 17:47  

New deals in Santista - Cama, Mesa e Banho;

  • JOGO DE LENÇOL 100% ALGODÃO ROYAL BETH – Casal de R$ 109,90 por R$ 87,92;
  • Jogo de toalhas 5 peças por 59,90;
  • Cortinas para a cozinha a partir de 59,90;
  • Jogo de lençol em percal180 fios a partir de 99,90;
  • Travesseiros a partir de 13,90.
Come and enjoy!

New deals in Artex - Cama, Mesa e Banho!

14/05/2019, 17:37  

New deals in Artex - Cama, Mesa e Banho;

  • Mês das Noivas - Enxoval;
  • Jogo de Cama Dobra Feita Toque de Seda Lira 200 fios – Queen por R$ 329,90.

Come and enjoy!

NEW OFFER - Dermadoctor - Produtos Dermatológicos

14/05/2019, 17:19  


There are 20 years in the market and 100% Reliable. DERMAdoctor was founded 20 years ago and since then they are evolving to select the best health and beauty products in partnership with dermatologists. With more than 200 brands worldwide, they are the leading e-commerce in dermocosmetics and many other products.
Specializing in dermatological products, DERMAdoctor began with the dream of meeting the expectations of its clients. The DERMAdoctor team has been specializing and updating in dermocosmetic products over the years, so that its care and products are of high quality and reliability.
  • Geo: Brazil;
  • Commission: 5.6% per confirmed purchase;
  • Materials available.
Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banner in Mmartan - Cama, Mesa e Banho!

14/05/2019, 17:11  

New promotion and banner in Mmartan - Cama, Mesa e Banho;

Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Jogê - Roupa Íntima!

14/05/2019, 16:23  

New promotion and banners in Jogê - Roupa Íntima;

  • Dia dos Namorados - #oquevaleéamar 728x90;
  • Dia dos Namorados - #oquevaleéamar 300x250.
Come and enjoy!


14/05/2019, 00:24  


Bradesco Seguros has a network of more than 28,000 dental surgeons, specialized clinics, emergency rooms and radiological clinics.
With the dental plan the client guarantees oral health with a wide service network for a price that fits in the pocket.
  • Wide accredited network;
  • Free choice of providers;
  • Email marketing piece available;
  • Geo: Brazil;
  • Commission: R $ 1.4 per lead approved.
Come and enjoy!

New Coupon and New Promotions in Compra Certa!

13/05/2019, 22:20  

New Discount Coupon and New Offer Promotions Compra Certa 2018 - eletrodomésticos.

Come and enjoy!

New banners in Erótika Store - Artigos Sexuais - CPA!

13/05/2019, 22:05  

New banners in Erótika Store - Artigos Sexuais - CPA;

Come and enjoy!

New promotion, coupon and banners in New Balance - Loja de Calçados!

13/05/2019, 21:58  

New promotion, coupon and banners in New Balance - Loja de Calçados;

Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in UOL Pagseguro - serviço de pagamento!

13/05/2019, 21:33  

New promotion and banners in UOL Pagseguro - serviço de pagamento;

Come and enjoy!

New Coupon in Marisa!

13/05/2019, 19:02  

New Offer Discount Coupon Marisa - loja de roupas.

Come enjoy!

New promotions in Submarino!

13/05/2019, 18:12  

New promotions in Submarino!

  • Smartphone Galaxy S9 128GB Black - Samsung!
  • MacBook Air 13'' with Intel Core i5 Silver - Apple!
Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Almundo MX - Passagens aéreas e hotéis!

13/05/2019, 17:40  

New promotion and banners in Almundo MX - Passagens aéreas e hotéis;

Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Almundo CO - Passagens aéreas e hotéis!

13/05/2019, 17:30  

New promotion and banners in Almundo CO - Passagens aéreas e hotéis;

Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Fleurity - Higiene Pessoal!

13/05/2019, 17:23  

New promotion and banners in Fleurity - Higiene Pessoal;

Come and enjoy!

New Promotions and Banners in Amazon!

13/05/2019, 17:15  

New Promotions and Campaign Banners Amazon - Moda, eletrônicos e livros;

  • Renove sua Casa - Uma semana de itens e ofertas para todos os ambientes;
  • Semana PC Gaming - Até 30% off em PC Gaming;
  • Especial Board Games - Especial Board Games: Galápagos Jogos;
  • Festival Editora Intrínseca - eBooks até 50% off.

Come and enjoy!

New deals in Vitamin Health - Suplementos!

13/05/2019, 17:02  

New deals in Vitamin Health - Suplementos;

  • COMBO MASS DEFINITION - DE 210,90 POR 99,90;
  • COMBO VEGAN - DE 191,80 POR 119,90;
  • COMBO WOMAN MASS - DE 253,80 POR 159,90;
  • COMBO VOLU MASS - DE 267,80 POR 179,90.
Come and enjoy!

New coupon in Submarino!

13/05/2019, 16:37  

New coupon in Submarino!

Come and enjoy!

New promotion in Santista - Cama, mesa e banho!

13/05/2019, 16:22  

New promotion in Santista - Cama, mesa e banho;

Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Almundo AR - Passagens aéreas e hotéis!

13/05/2019, 16:15  

New promotion and banners in Almundo AR - Passagens aéreas e hotéis;

Come and enjoy!

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