
New coupons in Roberto Oshiro!

24/04/2019, 17:55  

New coupons in Roberto Oshiro!

  • Coupon - Roberto Oshiro Progressive Scarpin - 10% OFF!
  • Coupon - Roberto Oshiro Progressive Scarpin - 15% OFF!
  • Coupon - Roberto Oshiro Progressive Scarpin - 20% OFF!
Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in MMartan - Cama, mesa e banho!

24/04/2019, 17:46  

New promotion and banners in MMartan - Cama, mesa e banho;

Come and enjoy!

New promotions and banners in Santista - Cama, Mesa e Banho!

24/04/2019, 17:28  

New promotions and banners in Santista - Cama, Mesa e Banho;

  • O melhor para o seu pós banho está aqui;
  • Conforto e estilo;
  • Decora sua casa com muito charme;
  • Diversão e sonho para os pequenos;
  • O travesseiro dos sonhos está aqui.

Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Laçaroty - Ties shop!

24/04/2019, 17:27  

New promotion and banners in Laçaroty - Ties shop!

Come and enjoy!


24/04/2019, 17:07  


The Eudora Cosméticos BR - CPL offer was paused at the request of the advertiser.
When we return, we'll let you know!

New promotions and banners in Jogê - Roupa Íntima!

24/04/2019, 17:04  

New promotions and banners in Jogê - Roupa Íntima;

  • Dias mães - Compre um presente e ganhe uma Organizer Bag nas compras acima de R$400 - 728x90;
  • Tal mãe, tal filha - 728x90;
  • Dias mães - Compre um presente e ganhe uma Organizer Bag nas compras acima de R$400 - 300x250;
  • Tal mãe, tal filha - 300x250;
Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Mercatto - Loja de Roupas!

24/04/2019, 16:44  

New promotion and banners in Mercatto - Loja de Roupas;

Come and enjoy!


24/04/2019, 16:37  


Kipling - Moda e Acessórios Femininos has been paused to make some changes to the integration.

When we return, we'll let you know!


24/04/2019, 16:25  


Drogasil was the first Brazilian pharmaceutical retailer to have its shares traded on the Stock Exchange. This boosted new investments and opened more stores, resulting in steady growth, in a solid and responsible manner. Since then, Drogasil has remained strong even in difficult times for the Brazilian economy and has been gaining confidence and acting strongly with its employees and clients.
  • Geo: Brazil;
  • Available materials;
  • Commission: 4.2% per confirmed application.
Come and enjoy!

New promotion, banners and coupon in New Balance - Loja de Calçados!

24/04/2019, 16:23  

New promotion, banners and coupon in New Balance - Loja de Calçados;

  • Ganhe um Squeeze nas compras acima de R$599,90;
  • 247 - All day. Every day.
Come and enjoy!


23/04/2019, 00:22  


With more than 60 years of experience, Marisa knows and follows the needs of its target audience. The brand built a relationship of complicity and intimacy with the Brazilian woman.

Marisa is nationally known as a young, modern and sensual brand.
The store is the first choice of the Brazilian woman of Class C that wants to follow the latest releases of the intimate fashion and acquire quality products at attractive prices.
From woman to woman, Marisa.

  • Commission: 2,9%;
  • Geo: Brazil;
  • Materials available.

Come and enjoy!

NEW OFFER - Sam's Club Sócio!

18/04/2019, 22:50  


Sam's Club is Brazil's largest shopping club and its mission is to constantly offer news and experiences that make people feel like returning ever.
  • About 5 thousand registered items of the most varied categories, between national and imported;
  • Email marketing parts available;
  • Payout: R $ 1.4
Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in Casa & Vídeo - Multiprodutos!

18/04/2019, 22:12  

New promotion and banners in Casa & Vídeo - Multiprodutos;

Come and enjoy!

New promotions and coupons in Submarino!

18/04/2019, 22:04  

New promotions and coupons in Submarino!

  • Home appliances with up to 5% OFF in cash!
  • Up to 10% in cash in itens sold and delivered by Electrolux!
  • Super confort: Sofas for up to 40% OFF!
  • Dressers with up to 15% OFF in 1x!
  • Kit 8 sets panty and bra for R$99.90 + 20% cashback Ame + OFF on site for RJ (Capital and interior) and SP (capital)!
  • Everything for your room with up to 12% de cashback!
  • Everything for your kitchen with up to 12% cashback!
  • Style and decoration with up to 12% cashback!
  • Mattresses and sofas with up to 12% cashback!
  • Ballantine's Finest Whisky Scottish With Can - up to 30% cashback!
  • Gin Beefeater London Dry + 2 Taças - up to 30% cashback!
  • Chivas Regal Whisky 12 Years Scottish With Can - up to 30% cashback!
  • Absolut Vodka Original Swedish - 3 Units - up to 30% cashback!
  • Absolut Vodka Original Swedish - 2 Units - up to 30% cashback!
  • Coupon - 30% OFF in selection of watches from Náutica, Festina and Coach!
  • Coupon - 15% OFF in selection of watches from Hugo Boss e Festina!
Come and enjoy!

New promotions and banners in Catho Empregos - Vagas online!

18/04/2019, 22:01  

New banners in Catho Empregos - Vagas online;

  • Aproveite 30 dias grátis - 300x50;
  • Aproveite 30 dias grátis - 250x350;
  • Aproveite 30 dias grátis - 250x250;
  • Aproveite 30 dias grátis - 200x200;
  • Aproveite 30 dias grátis - 180x150;
  • Aproveite 30 dias grátis - 160x600;
  • Aproveite 30 dias grátis - 120x600;
  • Aproveite 30 dias grátis - 120x240;

Come and enjoy!


18/04/2019, 21:46  


QVS Aúdio Eletrônicos is a brand that has been in the market for 15 years, specialized in the manufacture of products for automotive and professional sound. Here you will find speakers, drivers, bugles and everything else you need to put together your sound project with high quality products at a fair price.

All processes from production, testing, packaging, and delivery are done with extreme care and attention so that it reaches the consumer with the highest quality.

  • Geo: Brazil;
  • Available materials;
  • Commission: 15% per confirmed application.

Come and enjoy!


18/04/2019, 21:31  


Fast Runner is a shop specialized in the Triathlon (Running, Cycling, Swimming) and Mountain Bike, which started its activities in 2003 with a physical store in SP. Currently has a physical store in the neighborhood of Moema, São Paulo and the e -commerce. In the virtual store you will find a complete range of products for Race, Triathlon / Cyclism, Mountain Bike and Swimming, making it the most complete shop in this segment of South America.

The Official Distributor of Colnago in Brazil, a solid brand of Italian bikes specially developed for demanding athletes.
  • Geo: Brazil;
  • Commission: 6.3% per confirmed purchase;
  • Available materials;
Come and enjoy!


18/04/2019, 20:43  


The Cartão Pet - Petshop Service offer is back!
Submit your traffic!

New offer - Vital Atman - Oils in Capsules!

18/04/2019, 19:43  


An industry specialized in the production and commercialization of genuinely extracted cold vegetable oils, in first and only pressing, from raw materials of first quality. This guarantees the original structure of the molecules and the bioactivity of the essential fatty acids, since their oils do not go through any process of refining or addition of any chemical component.


Come and enjoy!

New promotion, banners and coupon in April Brasil - Seguro Viagem!

18/04/2019, 19:32  

New promotion, banners and coupon in April Brasil - Seguro Viagem;

Come and enjoy!

New promotion and banners in About Home - Móveis e Decorações - CPA!

18/04/2019, 19:24  

New promotion and banners in About Home - Móveis e Decorações - CPA;

Come and enjoy!

New Promotions and Banners in Sandro Moscoloni!

18/04/2019, 18:25  

New Promotions and Banners at Campaign Sandro Moscoloni - shoe store.
Come and enjoy!

NEW OFFER - Rio Quente clube de férias.

18/04/2019, 18:09  


Rio Quente is a hotel complex with several parks and resorts that offers tourists the best structure for leisure and entertainment in South America.

  • Considered by TripAdvisor one of the coolest water parks in the world.
  • Available materials;
  • Payout: R $ 3.85 per lead approved.
Come and enjoy!


18/04/2019, 17:54  


Sam's Club is Brazil's largest shopping club and its mission is to constantly offer news and experiences that make people feel like returning ever.
Committed to identifying items that will surprise every visit and facilitate everyday life. After all, shopping does not have to be boring and at Sam's Club you will find the best product mix to make life easier with the right choices for the day to day.
  • Exclusive and imported products from all over the world;
  • Available materials;
  • Payout: R $ 1.4 per lead approved.
Come and enjoy!

NEW OFFER - Portal Odonto Easy

18/04/2019, 17:36  


Portal Odonto is a platform where the client finds dental plans starting at $ 16 that fit perfectly into their needs.

  • 24 hour grace period;
  • Commission: R $ 1.4 per lead approved;
  • Parts of email marketing available.
Come and enjoy!

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