October Commission for Amazon

03/10/2017, 18:37  

Dear affiliate of Amazon,

Here is the October commission set for the Amazon campaign:
  • Physical books: 9.1%
  • eBooks: 10.5%
  • Kindle and Accessories: 7%
  • Kindle Unlimited: $ 10.5 per free-trial *
Some explanations about the new type of commissioning:
What is Kindle Unlimited?
Kindle Unlimited is Amazon's program that gives unlimited access to more than one million eBooks to read at ease for only $ 19.90 a month. The client can try the program for free for the first 30 days (free-trial).
How do I get the commission?
The affiliate will earn the reward when the user delivers a 30-day free trial of Kindle Unlimited.
How can I release Kindle Unlimited?
The best option to promote Kindle Unlimited is to comment on the benefits of the program. One suggestion for initial disclosure is to make a selection of the top books that exist in the program.
Important: This new plan may take up to 3 business days to reflect in the statistics.
Take advantage of this opportunity to earn more!

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