Increase commission for Aliexpress' offer

16/10/2017, 21:17  

Dear affiliates,

We are happy to announce the increase for Aliexpress´ offer comission. Actionpay is considered quality partner for Aliexpress which gives us the opportunity to share additional comission with you.

Now the comission level is from 4,2% up to 7% depending on category for Brazil and even more in other markets. It is 1,4% more than it was until today. Increase is valid for ALL geos.
Also there is double comission for new users´ first order (new users are the ones that have never done any orders in Aliexpress system before).
In addition there is special comission from the sellers of Best Selling Products.
Please check other details at the offer´s description and ask your affiliate manager if you have any questions.

Affiliate team.

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