New offer - Faculdade Unopar - Graduação!

Founded in 1972 as a result of the initiative of entrepreneurs who created the Center for Studies in Londrina and accredited as a university in 1997, the Universidade do Norte do Paraná (Unopar) has units in the cities of Londrina, Arapongas and Bandeirantes, and more than 450 poles of distance education, distributed by all the Brazilian states.
Currently, Unopar is the largest University of Distance Learning (EaD) in the country, and was also a pioneer in this modality. With more than 40 years of tradition in quality education and more than 260 thousand students graduated in Distance Learning, Unopar is the right choice for those who value tradition and innovation.
Unopar also offers two methodologies of Distance Learning: the Semi-Presential, in which the student must attend a support center once a week, and at 100% EaD, where the student only goes to the polo for the tests, and presentation of CBT.
- Geo: Brazil;
- Commission: R$7,00 per confirmed registry;
- Banners available.
Come and enjoy!