Montink is the largest PrintOnDemand e-commerce platform in Brazil and its system is already integrated with suppliers. The user registers and develops the store itself, with customizable products, and Montink takes care of all production, checkout, shipping and assistance. The objective of the affiliate campaign is to open new stores among the final public and to acquire the plans to use the platform, which has a 3-day free trial period.
Through your digital printing software you can type a phrase or send a drawing wearing our virtual models and have your product published and available for purchase right away. That is, you publish your print and everything else Montink does for you! You don't have to worry about producing, stocking and shipping, just create successful prints and share them with your friends! This favors the publication of prints capturing the "timing" of the moment, of relevant and extremely commercial events.
For every shirt sale Montink charges the creative author for the value of his production. The creative author can set the price for each product. Optionally, he can publish his collection in an e-commerce with domain and own brand within the marketplace.
Montink has modern technology and has developed a replicable after-sales production methodology for suppliers to produce even a single T-shirt per print. This entire process is automated by our software without requiring interference from your team, guaranteeing a repeatable, scalable, sustainable revenue and potentially unlimited scale business model.
- Geo Brazil
- 10.5% commission per confirmed purchase
- Available Materials
Come and enjoy!