The ease of shopping at the Supermarket! The Meu Mercado em Casa app is ideal for you who don't like the supermarket queue and would like to receive your purchases at home, or pick up at the store. There are more than 200 supermarkets at your disposal. And best of all: it is much more reliable, as the supermarket is the one who sorts your products and makes the delivery!
Meu Mercado em Casa is essential for those who want to have more time with family and friends, value special moments and avoid spending hours shopping at the supermarket. With it, you can add your products to the cart, select the day and time for the supermarket to deliver to your home, or to leave it separately for you to pick up at the store*. All online and no queues.
Payment for your purchases is also made simple: with direct online payment in the APP, upon delivery or upon collection of your purchases*. It's practical and safe.
For those who like to receive the day's offers of those items that are not lacking in the pantry, with Meu Mercado em Casa you just click on receive "product alerts" of your choice. And more: you can even create your own personalized shopping list.
To try it out, download the Meu Mercado em Casa app, register and find the supermarket closest to your home or visit our website www.meumercadoemcasa.com.br.
* Payment methods, delivery and pick-up times are subject to availability and configuration of the chosen supermarket.
- Geo Brazil
- 4.9% commission for confirmed purchase order
- Available materials
Come enjoy!