New Promotions and Banners in Will Bank!

23/05/2022, 16:50  

New Promotions and Banners in Will Bank! Make the most of this campaign!
  • Limit goes, limit comes, on the Will Bank card you have it! Download the app and order your card (Android)!
  • Limit goes, limit comes, on the Will Bank card you have it! Download the app and order your card (IOS)!
  • Mozi, what are you waiting for? 100% free credit card is will! [Android]
  • Mozi, what are you waiting for? 100% free credit card is will! [IOS]
  • Yuke!! There's a card with no annual fee and zero fees for you! [Android]
  • Yuke!! There's a card with no annual fee and zero fees for you! [IOS]
  • Brazil knows: 100% free account and credit card is will! [Android]
  • Brazil knows: 100% free account and credit card is will! [IOS]
  • I work with possibilities: credit, debit, virtual and digital account cards. It's will! [Android]
  • I work with possibilities: credit, debit, virtual and digital account cards. It's will! [IOS]
 From the 23/05th to the 01/06th, focus on publicity in three states in the Northeast: Bahia, Pernambuco, and Rio Grande do Norte.
We've separated some tips that can help your campaigns perform even better during this period.
See below what we have for you.
  • · Seek to impact users and campaigns within these three states
  • ·Do segmentation for sending email marketing focused on the three states
  • ·Test sending email marketing and other media at different times (keep in mind that we will focus our efforts on prime time on open TV, so during soap operas, newspapers, Sundays, and other high-rated programs)
  • ·We are the bank of a Brazil that is not located in large urban centers (value our diversity and knowledge about our audience)
  • ·Focus on our credit card, valuing the power it has to transform people's lives.
  • ·Maintenance of the brand's main codes, the yellow, the signature, our light and relaxed way of being.
Come check it out!

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