Id de la oferta: 12720
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Confirmed application
Moneda: RUR
Id del objetivo: 19047 (Activa)
70 p Máximo 37 days
promedio 30 days
30 days Sin datos
Выданный займ (Revenue share %)
Moneda: RUR
Id del objetivo: 24095 (Activa)
3256 p Máximo 30 days
promedio 7 days
30 days Sin datos

Geo localización:

Rusia (ciudades: Óblast de Amur, Óblast de Arcángel, Óblast de Astracán, Óblast de Bélgorod, Óblast de Vladímir, Óblast de Volgogrado, Óblast de Vólogda, Óblast de Vorónezh, Óblast de Ivánovo, Óblast de Irkutsk, Óblast de Kaliningrado, Óblast de Kaluga, Krai de Kamchatka, Óblast de Kémerovo, Krai de Krasnodar, Krai de Krasnoyarsk, Óblast de Kurgán, Óblast de Kursk, Óblast de Leningrado, Óblast de Lípetsk, Óblast de Magadán, Moscú, Óblast de Moscú, Óblast de Múrmansk, Óblast de Nizhni Nóvgorod, Óblast de Novosibirsk, Óblast de Omsk, Óblast de Oremburgo, Krai de Perm, Krai de Primorie, República de Buriatia, República de Komi, Tartaristán, Republic República de Jakasia, Óblast de Rostov, Óblast de Riazán, Óblast de Samara, San Petersburgo, Óblast de Sarátov, Óblast de Sajalín, Óblast de Sverdlovsk, Óblast de Smolensk, Óblast de Tomsk, Óblast de Tiumén, República de Udmurtia, Óblast de Ulyanovsk, Krai de Jabárovsk, Distrito autónomo de Janty-Mansi, Óblast de Cheliábinsk, República de Chuvasia, Yakutsk, Distrito autónomo de Yamalia-Nenetsia, Óblast de Yaroslavl)


Loan wizard helps clients to choose the best bank products with the highest approval chance. The search is based on individual rating of a client. Based on this rating the service calculates approval rate and finds the best option for the client. 

All types of credit products:

consumer loans

credit cards

mortgage and others

When client gets his result, he can apply online to a bank and know bank’s decision.

About the product:

Loan amount up to 30 000 000 rubles

Maximum credit term – up to 60 months

Interest rate from 8,9%

Borrower requirement:

Age from 21 to 67 years

Credit history – good and higher (or never toke a loan)

Citizenship / Registration of the Russian Federation

Accepted lead:

Pre-approved unique user who was given his credit rating and list of recommended offers through the service

Not subject to approval:

Bad credit history

Double accounts

No in geo targeting


The use of any unlisted traffic sources needs to be agreed with advertiser

Self-made ad materials/e-mail text needs to be agreed with advertiser. The material must be finished before sending for approval

When creating an ad text, consider that it is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN:

Misleading users in any form

Placing and sending promotional materials on behalf of the advertiser

Use of redirect domains without prior approval

Promotion of the product as a service for obtaining a credit rating, using this idea as the basis of an advertising campaign, a call to action, etc.

Breaking the rules can lead to ban and rejection of all leads. 

Landings (2):

Mostrar todo

Condiciones adicionales:

Any incentives (offers, comptetions and etc.)
Any kind of SPAM
Redirect (pop-up, clickunder and other formats where user does not give a concent)
Adult (18+)
Posts on behalf of

Noticias de oferta:

  • 08/08/2019, 12:29 ""offer is launched!

    Publisher`s commission is 210 rub for сonfirmed application . The offer is available on Basic level. Join and earn money!