Biblioteka aromatov
Id de la oferta: 14118
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Paid order (new client)
Moneda: RUR
Id del objetivo: 20847 (Activa)
10.31 % Máximo 37 days
promedio 30 days
30 days 2.1%
Paid order (old client)
Moneda: RUR
Id del objetivo: 20848 (Activa)
5.15 % Máximo 37 days
promedio 30 days
30 days Sin datos
Оплаченный заказ (тип трафика: cashback, программа лояльности)
Moneda: RUR
Id del objetivo: 23142 (Activa)
7.49 % Máximo 37 days
promedio 30 days
30 days Sin datos

Geo localización:

Belarús, Kazajistán, Rusia


Biblioteka Aromatov – online store of unusual fragrance. Demeter fragrances are imported from New York, own Russian brand produces home fragrances (candles, diffusers and room sprays) and personal care products (shower gels, body scrubs, bath salts). Own collection of  premium casual clothes: sweatshirts, trousers and hoodies was launched in 2020.

Advantages for customers:

Many fragrances for any taste available

Convenient site navigation and showroom in Moscow

Different payment methods and delivery

Free delivery over 4500 rub in Moscow

Create your own fragrance

Bonuses, special activities, affordable prices

Benefits for publishers:

High commission rate

Many traffic types and instruments available

Good promo materials

Well-known brand, unique products

Landings (1):

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Noticias de oferta:

  • 29/05/2024, 11:50 Внимание! Новые акции от оффера "Библиотека ароматов".

    В оффере «Библиотека ароматов» добавлены ​​новые акции и баннеры.
    Подробности в разделе «Акции».
    Желаем успешной работы.

  • 28/05/2024, 12:59 Внимание! Новая акция от оффера "Biblioteka aromatov".

    В оффере «Biblioteka aromatov» добавлена ​​новая акция и баннеры.
    Подробности в разделе «Акции».
    Желаем успешной работы.

  • 24/05/2021, 15:41 "Biblioteka aromatov" offer is launched!

    Publisher`s commission is 15% for a paid order new client.

    Publisher`s commission is 7% for a paid order old client.

    The offer is available on Basic level. Join and earn money!

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