Id de la oferta: 16371
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Venda confirmada
Categoria business - 21% Outras - 70%
Moneda: USD
Id del objetivo: 23600 (Activa)
70 % ($) Máximo 45 days
30 days Sin datos

Geo localización:



Types of commission for service sold
  • Final - 45.5 USD
  • VPN - 42 USD
  • Internet Security - 7 USD
  • Business - 0USD
  • Other products - 28.00 USD

Allowed traffic: Display, email, pop under, push notification, native, contextual ads, cashback and influencers.

Devices, data, people... Everyone is connected. The Internet has left computers, tablets and phones and entered cars, locks and even clothes. Now, more than ever, all of this needs protection. Therefore, the AVG company works hard to provide security software and services for families and businesses.

  • Protection against viruses and hackers.
  • Keep your activities private.
  • Frees up space and speeds up your device.

Come enjoy!

Landings (6):

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Noticias de oferta:

  • 27/06/2024, 15:23 Commission adjustment - AVG - CPA!

    The AVG - CPA campaign commission has been adjusted to:
    • 21% Business category
    • 70% Others
    Come Enjoy!