Quero Quitar - Negociação de Dívidas - CPL

Id de la oferta: 16504
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Formulário Preenchido
Moneda: BRL
Id del objetivo: 23785 (Activa)
1.4 R$ Máximo 45 days
30 days Sin datos

Geo localización:



A Quero Quitar é uma plataforma digital gratuita que ajuda usuários a negociar e quitar dívidas de forma simples e segura. Oferece descontos de até 99% e permite parcelamento das dívidas, tudo online, sem burocracia. Após pagar a primeira parcela, o nome do usuário é limpo em até 5 dias úteis. A plataforma trabalha com diversos parceiros, incluindo bancos e empresas de varejo, para oferecer as melhores condições de pagamento.


  • Super ofertas
  • Tudo online, sem ligações
  • Nome limpo em 5 dias
  • Segurança

Venham aproveitar!

Landings (1):

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Noticias de oferta:

  • 20/02/2025, 17:27 The Quero Quitar - Negociação de Dívidas - CPL campaign is back!

    Quero Quitar is a free digital platform that helps users negotiate and settle debts simply and safely. It offers discounts of up to 99% and allows debts to be paid in installments, all online, without bureaucracy. After paying the first installment, the user's name is cleared within 5 working days. The platform works with various partners, including banks and retail companies, to offer the best payment conditions.
    • Geo Brazil
    • Commission of R$1.4 per completed form
    • Materials available
    Come and enjoy!

  • 17/02/2025, 17:27 The Quero Quitar - Debt Negotiation - CPL campaign is back!

    Quero Quitar is a free digital platform that helps users negotiate and settle debts simply and safely. It offers discounts of up to 99% and allows debts to be paid in installments, all online, without bureaucracy. After paying the first installment, the user's name is cleared within 5 working days. The platform works with various partners, including banks and retail companies, to offer the best payment conditions.
    • Geo Brazil
    • Commission of R$1.4 per completed form
    • Materials available
    Come and enjoy!

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