Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA
Offer Id: 14049
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Currency: BRL
Aim id: 20755 (Active)
7 % (R$) maximum 45 days
30 days 66.67%

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A NovoManto surgiu a partir de meses de conversa entre dois amigos, torcedores e amantes do futebol, um tanto quanto saudosistas. 

Apaixonados por futebol e consumidores dos produtos relacionados, esses dois amigos viram a necessidade de oferecer ao consumidor criar um produto que permitisse ser usado no dia a dia, em festas, eventos, sem deixar de carregar consigo o amor pelo seu clube do coração. Como muitos sabem, camisas de times de futebol não são muito adequadas em determinados ambiente.

Os produtos, frutos da ideia desses dois amigos, permitem que os torcedores possam usar as camisas relacionadas ao seus clubes do coração em diversos ambientes, desde o próprio estádio de futebol até reuniões familiares, encontros com amigos, ir a shopping, shows, etc.

Após meses de análise e estudos, ficaram definidos os tecidos que seriam utilizados na fabricação das camisetas. Um produto de qualidade, confortável, para que o consumidor sinta prazer em usar.

Mas não quiseram se restringir apenas às camisetas. Tem também nossos quadros, que podem decorar vários ambientes das residências desses amantes do futebol com imagens alusivas à momentos históricos dos seus times do coração.

Primam pela qualidade dos seus produtos, sempre atentos e detalhistas com relação à imagem que será carregada estampada e carregada por seus clientes.


  • Camisetas estilizadas de acordo com seu clube
  • Designs discretos
  • Roupas, quadros e acessórios com as cores do seu time do coração
  • Entregas em todo Brasil
  • Ambiente de compra 100% seguro
Venham Aproveitar!

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Offer news:

  • 28/10/2024, 16:29 Black Friday - New promotions and banners in Novo Manto - Football Shirts - CPA!

    Black Friday - New promotions and banners in Novo Manto - Football Shirts - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!

    • Black November heat - The whole store with a 10% discount
    Come and check it out!

  • 17/11/2023, 15:31 Black Friday -New promotions and banners in Novo Manto - Soccer shirts - CPA

    Black Friday - Novas promoções e banners em Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA! Aproveite ao máximo essa campanha!

    • Black November - Descontos de até 20% em toda a loja!
    Venham aproveitar!

  • 30/10/2023, 16:55 Black Friday Heats Up - New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    Black Friday Heats Up - New Promotions and Banners in New Manto - Football Shirts - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Every store with 10% discount and Free Shipping from R$139.90!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 06/07/2023, 00:15 New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Soccer Shirts - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Up to 20% off sitewide!
    • 5% OFF using coupon!
    • Free Shipping on purchases over R$ 139.90!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 12/06/2023, 00:59 Valentine's Day - New Promotions in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    Valentine's Day - New Promotions in Novo Manto - Football Shirts - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Valentine's Day: Every Store 15% Off + Free Shipping!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 10/04/2023, 16:40 New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Soccer Shirts!

    New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto! Make the most of this campaign!

    • Up to 20% OFF on Your New Mantle To Support Your Team in the Brasileirão! 
    Come check it out!

  • 06/03/2023, 17:32 New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Soccer Shirts - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Consumer Week: Up to 20% OFF and Free Shipping!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 14/02/2023, 16:46 New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Soccer Shirts - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    Discounts of up to 30% and Free Shipping from R$139.90!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 16/08/2022, 17:43 New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Soccer Shirts - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Historic T-shirts from R$72,90!
    • Free shipping! For purchases from R$ 139,90!
    Come check!

  • 08/07/2022, 16:02 New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    New Promotions and Banners in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • The entire store with offers of up to 20% and free shipping for purchases from R$ 139.00!
    Come check it out!

  • 08/04/2022, 22:37 New Promotions in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    New Promotions in Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!

    • Payment your purchases up to 12 x!
    • Free shipping! For purchases from R$ 139,90!
    Come check it out!

  • 28/09/2021, 18:56 New Promotions in Novo Manto!

    New Promotions in Novo Manto! Make the most of this campaign!

    • Customer Month - 10% OFF in every store!

    Come check it out!

  • 23/07/2021, 19:11 Father's Day - New Promotions in Novo Manto!

    Father's Day - New Promotions in Novo Manto! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Father's Day - Kit with t-shirt and mug of the main teams of the country and the national team!
    Come check it out!

  • 07/04/2021, 22:02 New Promotions and Coupons in Novo Manto!

    New Promotions and Coupons in Novo Manto! Make the most of this campaign!

    • 10% OFF coupon on first purchase!

    Come check it out!

  • 07/04/2021, 16:34 New Campaign - Novo Manto - Camisas de Futebol - CPA!

    NovoManto arose from months of conversation between two friends, fans and lovers of football, somewhat homesick. Passionate about football and consumers of related products, these two friends saw the need to offer consumers to create a product that would allow them to be used on a daily basis, at parties, events, while still carrying the love for their heart club. As many of you know, football team shirts are not very suitable in certain environments. The products, the fruit of the idea of ​​these two friends, allow fans to wear the shirts related to their heart clubs in different environments, from the football stadium itself to family gatherings, meetings with friends, going to the mall, concerts, etc. After months of analysis and studies, the fabrics that would be used in the manufacture of the t-shirts were defined. A quality product, comfortable, so that the consumer feels pleasure in using it. But they didn't want to be restricted to just t-shirts. It also has our paintings, which can decorate various environments of the homes of these soccer lovers with images alluding to the historical moments of their teams from the heart. They stand out for the quality of their products, always attentive and detailed in relation to the image that will be loaded stamped and loaded by their customers.
    • Geo Brazil
    • 7% commission for confirmed purchase
    • Available Materials
    Come and enjoy!

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