Privacy policy

When visiting the website, Actionpay may receive information that you voluntarily provide when you fill out a “sign up” form and may collect certain ‘cookie’ information from your device. Such information may include personal information such as your name, email, telephone number when you fill out a “sign up” form.

Please note that you are not required to provide us personal information when you use. Actionpay is not directed to users under 16 years of age and we do not intentionally or knowingly collect personal information on such users.

This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") applies to all information and data ACTIONPAY could receive about users when such users visit the website (hereinafter "ACTIONPAY"), the websites of our partners, clients, advertisers. Privacy Policy provides information about our website and our platform which enables our partners to use our services and then describes our principles about data collection and use.

It also describes the type of data ACTIONPAY collects and utilizes when showing ads to users. ACTIONPAY provides its services strictly in accordance with the appropriate legislation regarding the collection and processing of data, the principles and rules of international legislation regarding the collection, processing, and protection of data.


1.1. ACTIONPAY does not collect intentionally personally identifiable data such as names, email addresses, postal addresses or telephone numbers.

ACTIONPAY does not collect intentionally any information to identify user. The personal data such as name, email, telephone number, provided intentionally and voluntary by the user is used exclusively for the purpose of the cooperation of user and ACTIONPAY to get access to ACTIONPAY services.

1.2. ACTIONPAY collects personal information that allows to determine the uniqueness of user while maintaining his anonymity via cookies. Such personal information includes, but not limited:

1.3. ACTIONPAY uses such personal information to provide its advertising services in order to determine the needs of users in one or another ads, to manage and develop the most effective advertising campaigns for its clients.


2.1. ACTIONPAY uses cookies to collect personal information. Such information collected through cookies are used to determine user preferences, to select and display targeted ads to the user but such data do not allow to identify user.

2.2. Cookie is a small text file stored on the user's hard drive while visiting and/or viewing a clients' or partners' ads. Cookie is connected with a web browser and is unique for each browser.

2.3. User can disable or delete the use of cookies at any time via settings in his browser via activation opt-out function. However, disabling Cookies can lead to the non-operability and/or limited access to some parts of website and/or its partners' websites, and the user will be deprived of the opportunity, including receiving targeted ads from ACTIONPAY and its partners.

2.4. Customers, advertisers, partners of ACTIONPAY can use their own databases, which can contain personal data of users that were provided by users for the purposes of clients, advertisers, and partners. In such cases, advertisers, customers, and partners of ACTIONPAY are fully responsible for the user's consent to the processing of the information provided by them and to obtaining appropriate ads.

2.5. The user is entitled at any time to prohibit ACTIONPAY to collect personal information by cookies via activation "Opt-Out" function. To activate "Opt-out", please click here.

The user is entitled at any time to require ACTIONPAY to delete any personal information regarding this user from ACTIONPAY data base by sending email to

ACTIONPAY notes activation of "Opt-out" is applicable only to The refusal does not apply to advertisers, partners of ACTIONPAY, who use their own cookies to collect statistical information.


3.1. ACTIONPAY provides access to user or customer's personal data (name, email, telephone number) in the following cases:

3.2. ACTIONPAY has the right to transmit personal information (except for personal data incl. email, name, telephone number) to partners, customers only in order to show users relevant ads, analytical, marketing, researching purposes.

At any time user has the right to require ACTIONPAY to stop transmitting personal information to partners, customers in order to show users relevant ads, analytical, marketing, researching purposes by sending email to with appropriate request.


4.1. This Privacy Policy applies only to ACTIONPAY does not control and it's not liable for the sites of any third parties.


In operating the website, ACTIONPAY processes data as a controller (as such terms are defined in the GDPR). As a controller, ACTIONPAY is committed to fulfill data subjects’ (‘users’) GDPR rights.

If you are EU resident, you may:

If you exercise one (or more) of the above-mentioned rights, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, you may request to be informed that third parties that hold your personal information, in accordance with this Privacy Policy, will act accordingly.

If you have any concerns about the way ACTIONPAY process your personal information, you are welcome to contact to ACTIONPAY by email

ACTIONPAY will look into your enquiry and make required efforts to resolve your case.

ACTIONPAY is committed to assist its controllers as to data subjects’ rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (GDPR).

Please note that under the GDPR ACTIONPAY processes data provided into the services as a processor and not as a controller (i.e. Supply Partners). As a processor, ACTIONPAY is committed to assist its controllers to fulfill data subjects’ GDPR rights.

Therefore, if you wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR or have any questions in this matter, please contact the relevant ACTIONPAY’s controller directly. When needed and upon request, ACTIONPAY will assist its controllers.

ACTIONPAY conducts periodical assessments of its data processing and privacy practices to ensure that it complies with this Policy, update the Policy when necessary, and ensure that the policy is properly displayed and accessible.


ACTIONPAY reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If ACTIONPAY decides to change Privacy policy, ACTIONPAY will post the updated version, together with an updated Effective Date, on this page.
