
New Promotions in CV Directo!

24/03/2021, 17:42  

New Promotions in CV Directo! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

New Promotions in Magdaléne Semijoias!

24/03/2021, 17:35  

New Promotions in Magdaléne Semijoias! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

New Promotions and Banners in Duty Cosméticos!

24/03/2021, 17:00  

New Promotions and Banners in Duty Cosméticos! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

The Oi Controle Campaign is back!

24/03/2021, 16:55  

Oi Controle is Oi's cellular plan that offers 4G internet with unlimited connection to landline and cell phone of any operator, with payment by boleto or credit card.Oi's Controle plan offers the best options for offers using apps without spending your internet. In some plans you still have access to Oi Play content, the possibility to add dependents and many other benefits.In all Controle cell phone plans, you still have discounts on handsets and can connect to more than 2 million Oi WiFi points on the street.
Come and enjoy!

New Campaign - Morris Garage - Automóveis!

24/03/2021, 16:51  

Authentic English. Since 1924. MG (Morris Garages), founded in England, in the city of Oxford by Cecil Kimber and William Morris, revolutionized the auto industry with its innovative proposal to offer more, for less. Flowing luxury and sportiness, it officially arrived to try to establish itself among the main premium brands in the automotive sector.
Come and enjoy!

New Campaign - Zendesk - Plataforma de Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente!

24/03/2021, 16:35  

Zendesk is a service-oriented CRM company that creates software designed to improve customer relationships. As employees, they encourage growth and innovation. As a company, they roll up their sleeves to take root in the communities they call home.Its software is powerful, flexible and scalable to meet the needs of any company, including yours.
Come and enjoy!

New Promotions and Banners in Betsul!

24/03/2021, 16:27  

New Promotions and Banners in Betsul! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

Offer: BetSul - Apostas Esportivas

New Promotions in Eudora!

24/03/2021, 15:54  

Come and enjoy!

Offer: Eudora - Cosméticos CPA

Attention! "Mentorama" offer is launched!

24/03/2021, 15:49  

Publisher`s commission is 15% for a paid order. The offer is available on Basic level. Join and earn money!

Offer: mentorama

New Discount Coupon in Ciclic!

24/03/2021, 15:33  

Come and take advantage of the discounts!

Offer: Ciclic - Seguro

New Promotions in Lé Charme´s!

23/03/2021, 22:26  

New Promotions in Lé Charme´s! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

New Promotions and Banners in CCPVirtual!

23/03/2021, 21:46  

New Promotions and Banners in CCPVirtual! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

Offer: CCPVirtual - Tools

New Promotions in Outlet da Casa!

23/03/2021, 21:42  

New Promotions in Outlet da Casa! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

Easter - New Promotions in Shop Fácil!

23/03/2021, 21:40  

Easter hotsite.
Come and enjoy!

Offer: ShopFácil 2018 - loja de multiprodutos

New Promotions and Banners in Casa Fortaleza!

23/03/2021, 21:39  

New Promotions and Banners in Casa Fortaleza! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

Offer: Casa Fortaleza - Furniture

New Promotions in Studio Geek!

23/03/2021, 21:35  

New Promotions in Studio Geek! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

Offer: Studio Geek - Loja Geek

New Promotions and Banners in Fita Glamour Up!

23/03/2021, 21:32  

New Promotions and Banners in Fita Glamour Up! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

New Promotions and Banners in Store Guette!

23/03/2021, 21:26  

New Promotions and Banners in Store Guette! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

New Promotions and Banners in Pau a Pique!

23/03/2021, 21:21  

New Promotions and Banners in Pau a Pique! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

New ´Promotions and Banners in Vértice!

23/03/2021, 21:17  

New ´Promotions and Banners in Vértice! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

New Promotions in Gênio Ferramentas!

23/03/2021, 21:13  

New Promotions in Gênio Ferramentas! Make the most of this campaign!

Come check it out!

Offer: Gênio Ferramentas - Ferramentas

New Campaign - Faculdade Sumaré - CPA!

23/03/2021, 21:07  

“Education for a transformative mentality” is the motto and the first mission of the Centro Universitário, which strives to build a culture of change, innovating, proposing and incorporating the advances resulting from the development of the current world. Its students are prepared to face reality in a critical, creative and transformative way, questioning and presenting intervention proposals, contributing to the quality of life of each individual and society in general. Faculdade Sumaré was born in 2000 at the initiative of the Instituto Sumaré de Educação Superior (ISES), at a time of significant changes in society in general, due to the great technological advance that culminated with the arrival of the third millennium. Education, however, did not always go hand in hand with the progress made in all other areas of knowledge. Aiming at teaching excellence, Faculdade Sumaré is committed to education aimed at the construction of knowledge and cultural diffusion, in a critical perspective that presupposes ethical values ​​and the promotion of citizenship. The Institution also believes in the training of professionals who, in addition to the humanistic and global vision, present competencies and skills necessary for professional performance in a demanding and rapidly changing job market, which requires knowledge, both in the technical and scientific fields.
Come and enjoy!

New Campaign - Par Perfeito - Site de Relacionamentos - CPL!

23/03/2021, 21:04  

Launched on the Web in April 1995, ParPerfeito helped create the online dating industry and now provides services to 24 countries and territories and hosts websites in 15 different languages. They create romantic opportunities for singles to have a better chance of meeting someone special. Over the years, they have learned more and more about what people want - and the tools they need to get lucky in love. With more ways than ever to gather singles.
Come and enjoy!

New Campaign - Par Perfeito - Site de Relacionamentos - CPA!

23/03/2021, 21:02  

Launched on the Web in April 1995, ParPerfeito helped create the online dating industry and now provides services to 24 countries and territories and hosts websites in 15 different languages. They create romantic opportunities for singles to have a better chance of meeting someone special. Over the years, they have learned more and more about what people want - and the tools they need to get lucky in love. With more ways than ever to gather singles.
Come and enjoy!

New Campaign - A Gestante - Moda Gestante!

23/03/2021, 18:37  

Gestante ® exists to serve women in all their needs during pregnancy and postpartum. They operate in the national market as the largest retail chain in specialized products, and now also in wholesale. The company's products are precisely developed to meet all the needs of women during pregnancy.High quality and resistant raw material, versatile, comfortable pieces that follow fashion trends are some of the brand's differentiators. The more than 20 years of experience and credibility, of those who most care for pregnant women in the country, now just a click away from you.
Come and enjoy!

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