
New Banners in 1xBet Europe - Betting Site!

05/12/2019, 18:13  

New Banners in 1xBet Europe - Betting Site!

Come and enjoy!

New Promotion and Banners in Virtual Joias!

05/12/2019, 18:04  

New Promotion and Banners in Virtual Joias!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: Virtual Joias - Alianças e Joias

New Promotions and Banners in Amazon!

05/12/2019, 17:54  

Back to school - Economy and variety without leaving home.
Come Enjoy!

Offer: Amazon - Electronics and books store

New banners in Aprovas Cursos!

05/12/2019, 17:24  

Come check it out!

Offer: Aprova Cursos - Preparatório de concursos

New Promotion in Shoptime!

04/12/2019, 23:49  

New Promotion in Shoptime!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: Shoptime - top multi-product online retailer

New Promotions in Amazon!

04/12/2019, 23:22  

New Promotions in the Amazon Campaign.
Come Enjoy!

Offer: Amazon - Electronics and books store


04/12/2019, 21:45  


The Motorola campaign has been paused at the request of the advertiser.
When you return, we'll let you know!

Offer: Motorola - Celulares e Smartphones

New Promotions in Submarino!

04/12/2019, 21:03  

New Promotions in Submarino!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: Submarino - top multi-product online retailer

New comission in Escolta Moda masculina !

04/12/2019, 20:31  

The Escolta offer commission has been changed to 9% per confirmed purchase.
Come enjoy!

Offer: Escolta Moda Masculina

New Promotions in Shoptime!

04/12/2019, 20:25  

New Promotions in Shoptime!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: Shoptime - top multi-product online retailer

Francisca Joias i back + increased commission!

04/12/2019, 20:18  


The offer Francisca Joias has returned with an increased commission of 17% per confirmed purchase!

This commission will be valid until 31/12.

Enjoy to earn even more!

Offer: Francisca Jóias

Paused Offer - Brastemp Purificadores B2B - CPL

04/12/2019, 20:12  


The offer Brastemp Purificadores has been paused due to the clients request.

We will let you know when it returns!

Offer: Brastemp Purificadores B2B - CPL

New Promotion on ShopFácil!

04/12/2019, 17:26  


Come Enjoy!

Offer: ShopFácil 2018 - loja de multiprodutos

New Coupons in Zattini!

04/12/2019, 17:20  

Amazing Selection of Extra Discount Shoes.
Come Enjoy!

Offer: Zattini 2018 - loja de roupas, calçados e acessórios

New Promotion on Amazon!

04/12/2019, 16:50  

To the class's secret friend.
Come Enjoy!

Offer: Amazon - Electronics and books store

New Promotion and Banners in April Brasil!

03/12/2019, 23:33  

New Promotion and Banners in April Brasil!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: April Brasil - Seguradora

New Promotions in Submarino!

03/12/2019, 23:25  

New Promotions in Submarino!

  • O melhore de Tecnologia com até 12% OFF à vista!
  • Itens para Casa com até 20% OFF!
  • Mundo Gamer com até 10% OFF em 1x no cartão!
  • Presentes até R$ 49,90
  • Presentes até R$ 99,90
  • Presente até R$ 149,90
  • Presente a partir de R$ 150
Come and enjoy!

Offer: Submarino - top multi-product online retailer

New Promotions in Shoptime!

03/12/2019, 22:59  

New Promotions in Shoptime!

  • Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A10 32GB Dual Chip Android 9.0 Tela 6.2" Octa-Core 4G Câmera 13MP – Preto | R$ 598,99 no boleto
Come and enjoy!

Promotion: Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A10 32GB Dual Chip Android 9.0 Tela 6.2" Octa-Core 4G Câmera 13MP – Preto | R$ 598,99 no boleto

New Promotions in The Beauty Box!

03/12/2019, 22:09  

The best Christmas presents.
Come Enjoy!

Offer: The Beauty Box - Produtos de Beleza

Coupons & Promotions in Compra Certa!

03/12/2019, 21:51  

Outlet! Enjoy here the best club discounts + Free Shipping.

Offer: Compra Certa 2019 - eletrodomésticos

New Coupon in Shoptime!

03/12/2019, 21:51  

New Coupon in Shoptime!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: Shoptime - top multi-product online retailer

New Promotions in Shoptime!

03/12/2019, 21:31  

New Promotions in Shoptime!

  • Cupom: CYBER10
  • Moto G8 Plus 64GB Dual Chip Android 6.3" Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 4G Câmera 48MP + 5MP + 16MP- Azul Safira | Desconto de 12% no boleto
  • Smartphone Motorola One Action 128GB Dual Android Pie 9.0 Tela 6.3" Exynos 9609 (S925) 4G Câmera 12+5+16MP (Quad Pixe) - Branco Polar
  • Smart TV LED 50" Philips 50PUG6513/78 Ultra HD 4k com Conversor Digital 3 HDMI 2 USB Wi-Fi 60hz - Prata
  • Bicicleta MTB Caloi Andes Aro 26 com 21 Marchas – Preta | 10% à vista + 50% frete

Coe and enjoy!

Promotion: Smartphone Motorola One Action 128GB Dual Android Pie 9.0 Tela 6.3" Exynos 9609 (S925) 4G Câmera 12+5+16MP (Quad Pixe) - Branco Polar

Offer: Shoptime - top multi-product online retailer

BLACK FRIDAY - New coupon and banner in Aprova Cursos!

03/12/2019, 21:26  

Come enjoy!

Offer: Aprova Cursos - Preparatório de concursos

Nem Promotion in Americanas!

03/12/2019, 21:20  

Nem Promotion in Americanas!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: - top multi-product online retailer

New Coupon in April Brasil - Travel Insurance!

03/12/2019, 20:39  

New Coupon in April Brasil - Travel Insurance!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: April Brasil - Seguradora

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