
New promotion and banners in Lojas Pompéia!

21/03/2018, 22:30  

Autumn / Winter Collection
Come and enjoy!

Offer: Lojas Pompeia -Men's and Women's Fashion

New promotions and banners in New Balance!

21/03/2018, 21:39  

  • Sale women
  •   Sale of children
Come and enjoy!

Offer: New Balance - Shoes Stores

New promotion and banners in Jansport!

21/03/2018, 21:23  

 No imitations!

Come and enjoy!

Offer: JanSport - Backpacks, Suitcases and Accessories

New links and promotion in Levi's!

21/03/2018, 21:10  

Levi's T-Shirt - Free shipping over $ 300.00
Come and enjoy!

Offer: Levi´'s - Roupas

New promotion in Polihouse!

21/03/2018, 20:47  

Buy the crib and get the bathtub
Come and enjoy!

Offer: Poli House - Multi Products

New coupon and promos in Shoptime!

21/03/2018, 19:43  

New coupon and promos in Shoptime!

10% OFF coupon in Pcs

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Dual Chip Android 7.1 6.3" screen Octa-Core 64GB 4G Wi-Fi Camera Dual Cam 12MP - black

Enjoy it!

Offer: Shoptime - top multi-product online retailer

New promos in Submarino!

21/03/2018, 19:41  

New promos in Submarino!

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Dual Chip Android 7.1 6.3" screen Octa-Core 64GB 4G Wi-Fi Camera Dual Cam 12MP - black

Enjoy it!

Offer: Submarino - top multi-product online retailer

New promos and banners in Americanas!

21/03/2018, 19:40  

New promos and banners in Americanas!

Tech week

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Dual Chip Android 7.1 6.3" screen Octa-Core 64GB 4G Wi-Fi Camera Dual Cam 12MP - black

iPhone SE 32GB silver IOS 4G Camera 12MP - Apple

iPhone SE 32GB pink gold IOS 4G Camera 12MP - Apple

Enjoy it!

Offer: - top multi-product online retailer

New promotion and banners in Sua Casa Shop!

21/03/2018, 18:59  

New line of blankets - The entire store up to 12x without interest
Come and enjoy!

Offer: Sua Casa Shop - - Housegoods

New promotion and banners in Polishop!

21/03/2018, 18:53  

- Fitness Week - up to 48% OFF
Philips Fryer Electric Airfryer Walita + Nutri Ninja Auto Iq - 18% OFF
Easy Brush Electric Brush Philco Premium - 15% OFF
Equilibrium Viva Smart Nutrition Ibbl Purifier
Rocket Ultra Care Shark Vacuum Cleaner - 11% OFF
Vertical Grill House + Book Baked And Grilled
Samurai Philco Premium Processor And Blender
Smart Runner Upfitness Mat - 9% OFF
Day 24cm Flavorstone Pan + Sauté Grand Pan 24cm Flavorstone + 24 Cm Cap (Free) - 19% OFF
Shine Therapy 2x Remington Surfboard - 17% OFF
Philips Fryer Electric Airfryer Walita + Yonanas - 10% OFF
Philips Walita Electric Fryer Electric + Live Digital Pressure Cooker - 17% OFF
Philips Walita Airfryer Fryer (2 Units) + Book - 17% OFF
Come and enjoy!

Offer: Polishop - Multi Products

New promotion and banners in Bagaggio!

21/03/2018, 18:42  

Autumn / Winter - Bagaggio!
Come and enjoy!

Offer: Bagaggio - Malas

New coupon at Chocolife!

21/03/2018, 18:32  

New coupon - 10% OFF on first purchase!
Come and enjoy!

Offer: Chocolife - Chocolate Store

NEW OFFER - San Marino

21/03/2018, 18:21  


For 35 years delivering quality and safety to all motorcyclists, Brazil's best-selling helmet, San Marino, has won a brand of its own, with several products.
Uniting functionality and the best cost-benefit, the quality is in the DNA of this classic and is impossible to be copied: it was the first helmet in Brazil to have the seal of Inmetro, which proves its tradition. Here you will find the replica of the first model San Marino, 1980. A limited edition for a fan.
Offer Details:
  • Commission: 11% per approved sale
  • Email marketing available
  • Geo: Brazil

Offer: San Marino Capacetes


21/03/2018, 17:41  


The Fábrica do Alumínio offer was paused at the advertiser's request.
When we return, we will let you know.

Offer: Fábrica do alumínio

New exclusive coupon in Urban Helmets

21/03/2018, 17:22  

Urban Helmets has provided a 20% discount coupon on the entire site.
Valid until 03/25.

Offer: Urban Helmets - Helmet store

New offer- Vivo Controle

21/03/2018, 16:25  


In Vivo Control plans, the customer receives an invoice with a fixed amount every month. That is, if he has hired the R$49.99 plan and has no additional service, the total amount of his invoice will be R$49.99 every month. Thus, you can have total control of expenses. You also do not need to recharge to continue talking unlimited Vivo to Vivo and fixed to any operator and still surf the Internet 4G with Vivo quality. The benefits of the plan are monthly, non-cumulative for the following month, and renewed every billing cycle .

Details of offer:

  • Commission: R$ 6,00 per subscription
  • Geo: Brazil
  • Promotional material available

Offer: Vivo Controle Giga - Plano de telefone

New offer - Easynvest

21/03/2018, 16:24  


Easynvest is a securities broker that has been in the market for almost 50 years, using technology and innovation to make it easy, simple and smart to invest. Putting investors first in everything they do, through a simple and quick process, so they can invest safely and hassle-free, everyday, anywhere.
The company uses technology in its favor, constantly investing in more assertive digital solutions, being one of the first brokers in Brazil to offer services through the internet, with the Easynvest platform in 1999 and with the first Fixed Income application in Brazil.
Campaign Details:
  • Commission: R $ 13.50 per valid registration
  • Geo: Brazil
  • Promotional material available

Offer: Easynvest - Investimento

Aliexpress's birthday is coming!

21/03/2018, 16:14  

Aliexpress's birthday is coming and you can not get out of it!
There are several categories with even cheaper products than in the famous November 11th promotion.
As of March 28, banners and promotions will be added to your sales and profitability.
Stay tuned to the News to see when new materials are available!

Offer: Aliexpress Brazil - Megamarket of products at wholesale prices

OFFER PAUSED - Folha de São Paulo

21/03/2018, 00:21  


The Folha de São Paulo offer was paused at the request of the advertiser.

When we return, we will let you know.

Offer: Folha de São Paulo - Digital Journal

New deals in Amazon

20/03/2018, 22:41  

New banners and promotions available on the Amazon campaign.
  • Aleph Publisher with 50% OFF
  • Thomas Nelson Week Publisher - Books with up to 50% off
  • Confectionery Books with 40% discount
  • Great Authors - eBooks up to 70% off

Offer: Amazon - Electronics and books store

New promos and banners in Pierre Cardin!

20/03/2018, 21:47  

New promos and banners in Pierre Cardin!

Autumn / Winter lauch - 5% OFF on boleto

Venham aproveitar!

Offer: Pierre Cardin - Clothes

Extension of promotion in Cosmezi!

20/03/2018, 21:23  

Come and enjoy!

Offer: Cosmezi - Cosmetics and Accessories

New Payouts for Aliexpress Shopping App!

20/03/2018, 21:15  


The Aliepress Shopping App has new payouts and Geo settings.

Please, adjust your traffic.

Offer: Aliexpress shopping app - [Android, iOS] - (Multigeo)

New coupon at Key design!

20/03/2018, 21:13  


New coupon - 10% OFF
Come and enjoy!

New promos in Submarino!

20/03/2018, 21:07  

New promos in Submarino!

Notebook Gamer Acer VX5-591G-54PG Intel Core i5 8GB (GeForce GTX 1050 com 4GB) 1TB LED 15,6" screen Windows 10 - black

Smart TV LED 43" Samsung 43MU6100 UHD 4K HDR Premium with digital conversor 3 HDMI 2 USB 120Hz

Enjoy it!

Offer: Submarino - top multi-product online retailer

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