
Sale up to 50% OFF
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Offer: Levi´'s - Roupas

Novo cupom - 10% OFF
Venham aproveitar!
Offer: Reserva 51 - Alcoholic Drink

Since 2001 the Education Portal works to change people's lives, based on the efficiency, reliability and agility of its services.
For this, it has formed a solid company that forms citizens in language courses with the best and most awarded distance learning in the world.
Commission: 15.38% per confirmed purchase
Postclick: 30 days
Material available!
Offer: Portal da Educação - curso online

Bazaar - Up to 50% OFF
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Santo Rock - Clothes

New coupon - R $ 20,00 OFF
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Pierre Cardin - Clothes
The Schumann campaign was paused at the advertiser's request.
Send your traffic to other campaigns.
Offer: Schumann - Loja online de multi-produtos

DressLily is a shopa internacional
leader of fashion clothing and accessories online. Focusing on the latest affordable fashion styles, dazzling clothing and accessories, it has thousands of latest product lines, offering the utmost choice and convenience to your discerning clientele.Dresslily also aims to provide a wide range of high quality and fashionable fashion clothing along with a professional service dedicated to valued customers from all over the world.
- Commission: 2.8 - 8.4% per confirmed purchase
- Postclick: 30 days
- Coupons available!
Enjoy the offer!
Offer: Dresslily

New promo and coupon in Americanas!
Back to school - 15% OFF
Bag selection - free shipping
Helmet selection - free shipping
Tvs sold and ship by Efácil - Free shipping
Offer: - top multi-product online retailer

New promos and banners in Bijoulux!
Super Promo - up to 70% OFF
Enjoy it!
Offer: Bijoulux - Bijuterias e Acessórios

New promo in Submarino!
Dell Gamer
Enjoy it!
Offer: Submarino - top multi-product online retailer

Protein Workout Lemon Bar 7% OFF
Come and enjoy!
Offer: B-ON - Nutritive Bar

Women's fashion - 3X without interest
20% OFF on various products
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Malemolência - Soccer Clothing

Lupo - various products up to 4X without interest
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Best Fit - Fitness Clothes

The "Sale up to 50% OFF" promotion has been canceled at the request of the customer who is preparing another material to replace it.
When available, we will notify you.

The Mercatto offer is back on our platform!
- Commission: 7.69% per confirmed purchase
- Banners available
Enjoy the offer!
Offer: Mercatto - Fashion Store

Sale up to 50% OFF
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Levi´'s - Roupas

Progressive discounts up to 30% OFF
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Santo Rock - Clothes

Beachwear up to 50% OFF at 12X without interest
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Best Fit - Fitness Clothes

USA / Disney
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Almundo - Passagens aéreas e hotéis

New promo and banners in Jogê!
Sale - up to 70% OFF
Enjoy it!
Offer: Jogê - Underwear Store
Golden Cross is proud to be the pioneer company in the supplementary healthcare sector in Brazil and currently has around 500 thousand business clients.
Since its inception, Golden Cross has constantly sought to satisfy its customers by offering quality services and seeking a transparent and always committed relationship with meeting the needs of its members.
In recent years, Golden Cross has been the top-rated health care provider in research conducted by R evista Exame and the Brazilian Institute of Customer Relations (IBRC).
- Commission: R $ 6.92 per cadastronline
- Postclick: 30 days
- Email marketing only
- Promotional material available
Enjoy the campaign!
Offer: Golden Cross Pessoa física - Plano de saúde

New coupon - 15% OFF
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Duloren - Underwear Store

Outlet Almundo CO
Come and enjoy!
Offer: Almundo - Colômbia

Subscribe now and get an iPhone X for only $1.
- Payout: $7.50
- Geo: United States
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- Banners available!
Offer: NewIphone - [MobileSite] - (US)