The "Netshoes app" offer for Android and iOS is paused due the advertiser request.
Stay on touch to get informed about new offers.
Offers: Netshoes Shopping App - [iOS] - (BR), Netshoes Shopping App - [Android] - (BR)
Take everything Centauro up to 65% + 15% OFF
Valid for selected products for this offer that has the stamp "LEVE TUDO".
Offer: Centauro - sport items store
New promotion available at Amazon offer!
Mega Promo - Books with up to 80% discount
+ Flash promos during ALL DAY
Valid until 04/07/2016.
Offer: Amazon - Electronics and books store
Check the new offers and promos at Glambox offer.
Enjoy, just until end of July.
Offer: Glambox - beauty products
Offer: 15500 Seal Online Facebook (BR SOI) - Jogo Online
New promos at Passarela:
Offer: Passarela - Clothes, accessories and shoes store
Built by a solid business group, Mirus stands out for assembling a team pioneer in vehicle tracking, especially dedicated to technological innovation and quality of service, always striving to provide its customers a unique and differentiated service.
With its unique Tracking System, Mirus has access to real-time information, allowing security measures are taken at the exact time of occurrence of an accident.
Offer: Mirus
Passarela offer changed the comission to 7,69% for all the categories.
Offer: Passarela - Clothes, accessories and shoes store
Offer: Arte 1 Jóais - Acessórios de luxo
Natura Consultora offer was paused due to advertiser request.
Please, foward your traffic to other offers.
We will announce when it gets back.
Offer: Natura Consultora
The offer "Nectar App" for Android and iOS was paused due advertiser request.
Keep in touch with our news to know when new offers will be available.
Offers: Nectar Offers and Rewards App - [Android] - (UK), Nectar Offers and Rewards App - [iOS] - (UK)
All links in Passarela were updated.
Please, check if you are using any link that was excluded and if there are new ones that you like.
Thank you!
Offer: Passarela - Clothes, accessories and shoes store
Celular Direto is a company partner of the largest telecom operators and works seeking solutions to higher conversions and use of the online stream.
We develop new scalable sales processes based on innovation and technology with a simple experience for the customer, which has brought excellent results for our partners.
Offer: Celular Direto - telecomunication
Polishop offer has changed!
If you run it through the old offer, please change to the new ones!
New offer:;id:5319
Please, change your links and increase your chances to earn more!
Offer: Polishop - Multi Products
Soulier winter sale with up to 50% discount. Amazing!
Don't waste time!
Promotion: Soulier Winter sale with up to 50% discount. Amazing!
Offer: Soulier - Clothes, accessories and shoes store
New promos at Ókulos offer!
Ray Ban and Oakley with super discounts!
Enjoy, offer valid just until 02/07.
Offer: Ókulos - Accessory
New promo available at Empório da Cerveja offer!
Get BR 20,00 OFF when buying over BR 50,00 in Stella Artois!
Valid just until tomorrow!
Offer: Empório da Cerveja - Online store
Great news!
C-Date payout has been increased to 0.11€!
Enjoy even more the offer!
Offer: C-Date app - [Android] - (BR)
Offer: C-date dating app - [Android] - (BR, CL)
Polishop is the largest multichannel company in the world. Since its foundation, in 1999, Polishop strives to provide solutions and innovative and quality products, besides a full range of possibilities of interaction. Through a large network of channels of communication, distribution and sales, Polishop can reach, today, more than 180 million Brazilians.
The main goal is to always offer the best experience for the customer, wherever he is, through innovative and quality solutions.
Offer: Polishop - Multi Products
New banners for social networks added to Ubook offer
Don't miss this chance and earn much more!
Offers: Ubook, audiobooks online - [iOS] - (BR), Ubook, audiobooks online [subscription], Ubook, audiobooks online [Trial+Bonus]
New siteunder link at Lojas Pompéia offer
Amazing products, enjoy!
Offer "Careem Car Booking App" for Android is temporarily paused due to technical adjustments.
We'll inform you when the offer is back. Stay tuned!
Offer: Careem Car Booking App - [Android] - (SA)
Offer Schumann changed the comission to 3,85% for all the categories.
Offer: Schumann - Loja online de multi-produtos
This new CPI offer is awesome for people who is looking for to meet someone new for a casual date or maybe fall in love!
c-date is a dating app that allows the user to find people with the same interests and around you.
Offer: C-date dating app - [Android] - (BR, CL)
Offer: Passarela - Clothes, accessories and shoes store