
New offer! Vivo Fibra - Internet Services

24/11/2015, 23:26  


New online store launched at system - Vivo Fibra!

Vivo Internet Fibra is the newest ultra fast internet wireless!
Download and upload speeds much higher than the others offered on the market today.
It's not magic. It’s Vivo Internet Fibra.


  • Payout - 20.77 BRL per sale confirmed
  • Postclick period: 30 days
  • Available to all tariffs

Promotional material are already available!

Don't waste anymore time and join the offer right now!

Offer: Vivo Fibra - Internet Services

Novos links de texto na campanha Doural!

24/11/2015, 23:02  

Come and check the top selling products this week!
New text links at Doural´s offer!
Do not miss this chance and disclose now!

Offer: Doural - Housegoods

Pre Black Friday at Passarela

24/11/2015, 21:34  

Up to 70% discount in the entire website!

Don't miss the amazing promos of Passarela!

Register right now and earn much more!

Offer: Passarela - Clothes, accessories and shoes store

Black Natue Friday!

24/11/2015, 21:15  

Black Natue Friday!

Up to 70% discount in the entire website!

Don't miss the amazing promos of Natue!

Register right now and earn much more!

Offer: Natue - natural products

Pre Black Friday A Teen

24/11/2015, 21:03  

Pre Black Friday at A Teen.

Enjoy A Teen Bazaar with 50% OFF.

Gorgeous items with amazing prices!

Join right now!

Offer: A Teen - fashion store

Commision increased at Corpo Perfeito offer!

24/11/2015, 20:29  

Commision increased at Corpo Perfeito offer!

From today (24/11) until monday (30/11), Corpo Perfeito will increase the commission to 9.23%

Don't miss this chance and start earning more right now!

Offer: Corpo Perfeito - Supplement

BlackWeek C&A

24/11/2015, 18:06  

BlackWeek has arrived at C&A!

Incredible discounts with up to 70%!

Today offers (24/11) are dresses and shorts!

Don't stay out of this, join right now!

Offer: C&A - department store

Updated links for Investloto offer!

24/11/2015, 17:53  

Attention affiliates running Investloto offer!
Due to the global maintainance of Actiopay tracking system, the links in Investloto offer had been changed.
Old links are still working.
But we strongly recommend to update your links as soon as possible!
New tracking system is specially designed to increase the effectiveness of your campaigns up to 30%!
Update your links and earn more!

Offer: Investeloto - Virtual Lottery

Updated links for Lady Hair Profissionnal offer!

24/11/2015, 17:52  

Attention affiliates running Lady Hair Profissionnal offer!
Due to the global maintainance of Actiopay tracking system, the links in Lady Hair Profissionnal offer had been changed.
Old links are still working.
But we strongly recommend to update your links as soon as possible!
New tracking system is specially designed to increase the effectiveness of your campaigns up to 30%!
Update your links and earn more!

Offer: Lady Hair Professionnal - Cosmetics, Imported Perfumes and Accessories

Updated links for Freeday Skate Shop offer!

24/11/2015, 17:50  

Attention affiliates running Freeday Skate offer!
Due to the global maintainance of Actiopay tracking system, the links in Freeday Skate offer had been changed.
Old links are still working.
But we strongly recommend to update your links as soon as possible!
New tracking system is specially designed to increase the effectiveness of your campaigns up to 30%!
Update your links and earn more!

Offer: Freeday Skate Shop - Street Fashion and Accessories

Black Week Cantão

24/11/2015, 17:45  

Check the Black Week at Cantão offer!

30% at the collection and up to 80% at bazaar!

Don't waste this chance and start earning more!

Offer: Cantão - Women´s Clothes

Commission increased at A Teen offer

24/11/2015, 17:29  

Commission increased at A Teen offer.

From today (24/11) until monday (30/11), A Teen will increase the commission to 10.77%

Don't stay out of this and start earning much more right now!

Offer: A Teen - fashion store

Offer paudes temporarily - Peugeot - Test Drive

24/11/2015, 16:00  



Peugeot - Test Drive offer was paused temporarily!

Please, stop sending traffic to this offer. We will be back next month.

Stay tuned!

Offer: Peugeot - Test Drive

New coupons at Época Cosméticos offer!

24/11/2015, 15:51  

New discount coupons at Época Cosméticos offer!

Warming up coupons for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Don't miss the incredible discounts!

Start promoting right now!

Offer: Época Cosméticos - Beauty store

New promo and banners at Laris offer

24/11/2015, 01:50  

New promo and banners launched at Laris offer.  Check the incredible discounts of up to 70% at BlackWeek. There are many promotions. Don't miss it!

Register right now and earn more!

Promotion: BlackWeek

Offer: Laris - House Goods

New promo and banners at Laris offer

24/11/2015, 01:47  

New promo and banners launched at Laris offer.  Get a Cellphone holder in purchases over R$250,00. Check it out!

Register right now and earn more!

Promotion: Cellphone holder promotion

Offer: Laris - House Goods

Offer pause - Be2

23/11/2015, 16:31  



Be2 offer was paused!

Please, stop sending traffic for this offer.

We will announce if have any news!

Offer: be2 - Relationship

New offer! Pecadille - Sweets and Chocolates

23/11/2015, 16:06  


New online store launched at system - Pecadille!

Pecadille was born from the union between mother's care - in the comfort food style - with the sharp eye of an architect daughter.
Applied to a rigorous selection of ingredients (such as organic fruits and Belgian Callebaut chocolate) the union resulted in a unique combination of tenderness, flavor and sophistication.
The personalized service and handmade production allow to suit every customer like they were unique, ensuring absolute success at events of all sizes and profiles, such as a mini wedding or a large corporative event.


  • Payout - 3.85% per confirmed purchase
  • Postclick period: 30 days
  • Available to all tariffs

Promotional material are already available!

Don't waste anymore time and join the offer right now!

Offer: Pecadille - Gourmet Chocolate

Better conditions at Hellofood for iOS!

19/11/2015, 22:52  

Great news!

Hellofood for iOS offer improves the conditions:

1. New bigger payout - 0.5 euro for install

2. Extended geo for Brazil - new cities was included into the list of allowed geos and now it makes almost national covarage!

Join the offer! Earn more!

Offer: Hellofood - [iOS] - (BR)

New discount cupon at A Teen offer!

19/11/2015, 22:33  

New discount coupon at A Teen´s offer!
Coupon $ 100 for purchases above R $ 700.00 *
* Valid only the first purchase on the site.
Jump in! Join now!

Offer: A Teen - fashion store

OLX for Android raised the payout!

19/11/2015, 22:08  

Great news!

New bigger payout in OLX Android offer - now it's 1.44 BRL for install!

Enjoy the offer!

Offer: OLX classified - [Android] - (BR)

Black Friday at Recco

19/11/2015, 21:16  

Black Friday offers have already started at Recco. There are many products with up to 70% discount.

Banners are already available.

Enjoy! Join right now and start earning more!

Offer: Recco - Lingerie online store

Offer pause - CVC

19/11/2015, 20:51  



CVC offer was paused!

Please, stop sending traffic for this offer.

We will announce when the offer is back! Stay tuned!

Offer: CVC - tour operator

New promos and coupons launched at offer

19/11/2015, 15:31  

New promos and coupons were launched at offer.  Extra 8% OFF + Win Cellphone & Gift Card. Limited to Brazil Customers + Orders Paid through Astropay.

Register right now and earn!

Offer: Deal Extreme - Multiproducts Store

New discount coupons at C&A offer

19/11/2015, 15:25  

New discount coupons are available at C&A offer!
There are 15% OFF at Matthew Williamson collection and in purchases of skirts, shorts and bermudas!

Use the promo codes and get  this amazing discount
matthew15off: discount at Matthew Williamson collection
CEA-SS-15: discount at skirts, shorts and bermudas
Coupons available until 22/11. 

Enjoy it right now to earn more!

Promotions: Collection Matthew Williamson com 15% OFF: Aproveite!, Saias com 15% OFF: Nao perca, 15% OFF em Shorts e Bermudas!

Offer: C&A - department store

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