
Offer paused - Polenghi app

27/08/2015, 22:32  


Polenghi app offer is paused due to client's request.

We will keep you informed about a future come back of the offer. Stay tuned!

Offer: Polenghi app - [Android, iOS] - (BR)

Shoptime -Birthday La Cuisine

26/08/2015, 23:37  

Dear publishers,

From today 18h util  28 of August we have La Cuisine´s birthday in Shoptime! 

Many products will be with big discounts.

In this period the comission will increase to 7,6%.

Banners and promotion is already avaible!

Enjoy to profit even more!

Offer: Shoptime - top multi-product online retailer

New offer launch! "Vivo meu show" app!

26/08/2015, 23:11  


Vivo - one of the main telecommunication companies in Brazil, introduces new app!

"Vivo meu show" app is a real musical contest right in your smartphone! 

Everyone can be a star! Publish video with your performance and take you chance to become a new pop-legend! Or be a judge, vote and find a new talent.

Participation is free! User just have to download the app and follow the contest rules. The winner will get 500 000 BRL, plus there are lot's of other prizes for different nominees


Be a star! Join the offer! 

Offer: VIVO app - [Android, iOS] - (BR)

New banners and promotions were launched in the Oversized offer

26/08/2015, 22:11  

New banners and promo were launched in the Oversized offer.  Do not miss the exclusive Hunter promotion. Limited stock!

  • Commission up to 7,69%
  • Worldwide.
  • Available to all tariffs
Join this offer right now and earn more!

Promotion: Do not miss the exclusive Hunter promotion. Limited stock!

Offer: Oversized - Men's Watch

Universidade Veiga de Almeida offer is back!

26/08/2015, 21:41  


We are glad to inform that Universidade Veiga de Almeida offer is back and running!


Start sending traffic right now!

Offer: Universidade Veiga de Almeida - Graduate Courses

New offer launched - Peugeot

25/08/2015, 23:00  


Peugeot is a brand of renowned cars, originated in France, since before the first automobile race in 1894.
The brand is famous for its reliability, along with the truly elegant French design.
Only with the test-drive of the 208 and 308 cars the client can really evaluate the characteristics of the most beloved cars into the category.

  • Commission  - R$15.38 per lead 
  • Available to all tariffs
Join this offer right now!

Offer: Peugeot - Test Drive

New offer launch! Hellofood for iOS!

25/08/2015, 19:44  


Hellofood is a genuine food delivery app for iOS!
It is a great tool to have any meal freshly cooked, to be delivered straight to your door!

Numberless choices of cousins, restaurants and meals, daily special offers and coupons, secure payments and lot's of other settings, available for user to make his experience as easy and smooth as possible, makes this app an undoubted No1 choice for millions of users!  


Join this offer! Get your earnings be delivered quicker for you!

Offer: Hellofood - [iOS] - (BR)

New offer launched - Shoptime

25/08/2015, 18:48  


Shoptime is a Brazilian retail company, created in 1995, which has a TV channel and an online store.

The sales channel, inspired by the American home shopping model, expanded to the online sales segment with the rise of the internet in 1997.
The company was purchased by the controlling group of Lojas Americanas in August 2005, when the acquisition enabled Shoptime to integrate the B2W Digital, owner of sites such as Submarino and
  • Commission  - up to 7,70% per approved sale* 
  • Available to all tariffs
* 48 hours to appear in the system.
Join this offer right now!

Offer: Shoptime - top multi-product online retailer

Offer pause - Boston Medical Group

25/08/2015, 18:21  


Boston Medical Group offer is paused due to client request.

The offer will be back on the first of September (01/09/2015). Stay tuned!

Offer: Boston Medical Group - Medical Treatment

AliExpress offer - traffic restrictions

25/08/2015, 18:08  

The advertiser reminds that abnormal traffic and unauthorized ads are not allowed in the AliExpress offer.

Please, pay attention about the denied traffic:
- Brand search
- Incentive traffic
- Cashback-traffic
- Pop-up ads
- Clickunder/Popunder

Any abnormal traffic MUST be stopped by August 31th (monday).

Please, adjust your traffic and keep earning with AliExpress!

Offer: Aliexpress Brazil - Megamarket of products at wholesale prices for mobiles is back!

25/08/2015, 17:48  


Offer for Android and iOS is back and working!


Great offer to promote and earn! Join it now! 

Offer: - [Android] - (BR) Incent

CVC - comissions values are upated for July actions.

24/08/2015, 23:12  

Dear affiliates,
We have updates the somissions and values for July actions for CVC offer, so now you can withdraw your correct comissions.

Offer: CVC - tour operator

Fit & Org offer - commission increase

24/08/2015, 22:39  

Fit & Org offer increased the comission value from 5.38% to 7.69%.
Join now and win more!

Offer: Fit & Org - Loja de Produtos Saudáveis

MercadoPago offer - changes in geo

24/08/2015, 19:09  


Aim "Install application for iOs (BR)" of MercadoPago offer is paused.

The rest of geos are working normally.

Please, adjust your traffic.

Offer: MercadoPago app - [Android, iOS] - (BR, MX, AR)

CVC offer - commission updated

24/08/2015, 19:00  

CVC offer has updated its commission status and value.


Don't waste any more time!
Join the offer and earn much more!

Offer: CVC - tour operator

Rainly offer is back!

24/08/2015, 18:49  

We're glad to inform you that Rainly offer is back and running!

Please, start sending traffic!

Offer: "Rainly" weather app - [iOS] - (WW)

Praia Bingo offer - changes in geo

24/08/2015, 18:02  


Aim "Install application for iOS (BR)" of Praia Bingo offer will be paused as of 25 of August.

Aim for Mexico will keep working.

Please, adjust your traffic.

Offer: Praia Bingo app - [iOS] - (BR, MX)

Rainly iOS WW offer is paused immediately!

22/08/2015, 01:07  


Rainly offer for iOS is paused immediately due to some technical issues. Please, stop your traffic immediately.

We'll let you know when the offer is back. Stay tuned!

Offer: "Rainly" weather app - [iOS] - (WW)

Link exchange for Lançamento do Zefone 2 in offer

21/08/2015, 16:58  

Please change the link Zenfone 2 offer to:


Offer: - top multi-product online retailer

More for Birthday!

21/08/2015, 00:58  

Even more advantages for birthday offer!

It is  incredible! 

Now there are more links available for you to run! Check up the document downloaded to the offer!

You must create deeplink for your campaigns!

Do not miss this unique chance! Products with incredible prices!

Offer: - top multi-product online retailer

e-Closet paused

19/08/2015, 23:27  


 e-Closet offer is paused due to technical reasons.

We let you know if the campaign will be back. Stay tuned!

Offer: E-closet - Roupas e acessórios femininos e infantil

New banners and promotions were launched in the offer

19/08/2015, 21:42  

New banners and promotions were launched in the offer. Share to Get $5 Gift Card, Vote to Get 8% OFF

  • Commission up to 3,85%
  • Worldwide.
  • Available to all tariffs
Join this offer right now and earn more!

Promotions: Share to Get $5 Gift Card, Vote to Get 8% OFF, T-Shirts for Men & Women only $6.99

Offer: Deal Extreme - Multiproducts Store

New offer launched - Boston Medical Group

19/08/2015, 18:30  


Boston Medical Group was created more than 18 years ago in Australia, and is the largest international group of clinics specializing in male sexual health.
World leader in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation, the company offers several treatment options, according to the needs.
Doctors perform clinical evaluations and specific tests that lead to a diagnosis of pathologies, care and indicate the most appropriate treatment for each patient, always with the utmost confidentiality.

  • Commission  - 3.08BRL por validated lead
  • Available to all tariffs
Join this super offer right now!

Offer: Boston Medical Group - Medical Treatment

New offer launched - Litho Calcium

19/08/2015, 17:43  


Litho Calcium is a supplement that contains 74 mineral elements, including calcium and magnesium, essential for maintaining a healthy body.
It is made by the lithothamnium seaweed. It proliferates at a depth ranging between 10 and 40 meters in the sea, where is collected due to the higher addition of vitamin D. Lithothamnium directly derives from the nature of all trace minerals, fixing them in organic vegetable state.
A product designed to supply the organic mineral deficiencies resulted from various factors such as poor diet, natural wear and the imbalance caused by diseases.

  • Commission  - 10% per approved sale
  • Available to all tariffs
Join this super offer right now!

Offer: Litho Calcium - Supplement Birthday!

19/08/2015, 01:13  

Come and enjoy the advantages of  birthday offers!

It is  incredible! 

Commission in double on 19, 20 and  21 ofAugust !!

The sheet is on the platform with all links to you run!

You must create deeplink!

Do not miss this chance! Products with incredible price!

Offer: - top multi-product online retailer

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