Amazon Commission Update

31/08/2017, 22:24  

The commission confirmed for the month if September will be as follows:

-> 9.1% in physical books
-> 7% on Kindle and Accessories
-> 10.5% on eBooks
-> 14% in the following books:
- Embryology and Teratology of the Heart and the Great Arteries: Conducting System; Transposition of the Great Arteries; Ductus Arteriosus
- Digital Filtering in One and Two Dimensions: Design and Applications
- Build the Best Data Center Facility for Your Business
- Sugarcane Bioethanol - R & D for Productivity and Sustainability
- Assassins Creed. Inside the Animus
- HQS Disney 1 - Box
- HQS Disney 2 - Box
- Call of Duty. Black Ops III
- What Do You Know About Africa?
- How I Was Before You
Duny. My book. I wrote. Girls in the House
- Little Big Lies
- S.
- Gray: Fifty Shades of Gray Through Christian Eyes
- ZDM - Blood in the Game - Volume - 5
- X-men: The Battle of the Atom
- Batman / Superman - Two Worlds
- Star Wars - Episode II - Attack of the Clones - Volume 1: 2
- The Secret of the Forest
- Beyond the Wall. Art and Artifacts from the GDR
- Domus. And says. Italian and English: Domus - Volume 10
- Hidden China
- Molluscs
- Scouts Mirins
- Handbook of Grandma Donalda
- Duck Tales: The Hunters of Adventures
- Super Heroes Initiative - Disney Collection
- Disney Cinema
- The Earliest Gospels: The Origins and Transmission of the Earliest Christian Gospels; The Contribution of the Chester Beat

Take this opportunity to further increase your profits

Offer: Amazon - Electronics and books store

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