New offer - EAD Laureate

08/05/2018, 18:14  


The EAD Laureate is the Distance Education of the institutions of the Laureate International Universities Network in Brazil, including the Educational Complex FMU; Centro Universitário do Norte (UniNorte); University Center IBMR; Faculty of Development of Rio Grande do Sul (FADERGS); Faculty of Guararapes (FG); International Faculty of Paraíba (FPB); Anhembi Morumbi University; University of Potiguar (UnP); and Salvador University (UNIFACS).
Here you will find graduate and postgraduate courses that are among the most sought after in the market. All with the same workload, same program content and with the same diplomas and certificates of the face-to-face courses.
Campaign Details:
  • Commission: R $ 11.54 per inscription
  • Geo: Brazil
  • HTML and banners available

Offer: Laureate - Educação à distância

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