Nova campanha - Santander (abertura de conta)

14/05/2018, 17:48  


Santander is the third largest private bank of the Financial System in Brazil.
Active in the local market since 1982, Santander Brasil is the third largest private bank in the country by assets. The institution is present in all regions of Brazil through a wide structure, composed of agencies, PABs and self-service machines, as well as regional offices, technology centers and cultural units.
Santander Brasil is divided into two major structures: the commercial bank, which gathers all retail activities, such as personal care and small and medium-sized enterprises, and wholesale, focused on large companies and operations in the capital market.
Headquartered in São Paulo, the Brazilian operation is an integral part of the Santander Group, of Spanish origin, which is the main financial conglomerate in the euro area and which has a large presence in Latin America.
  • Commission: R $ 23.08 per approved register
  • Advertising channels: ONLY email marketing
  • HTML available
  • Geo: Brazil

Offer: Santander Abertura de Contas - Banco

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