A Dora Adora is a brand that proposes synergy between: gastronomy, fashion and design bringing a new concept to healthy sweets. Added to a few spoonfuls of human warmth and a hint of social, offers a unique experience to be enjoyed without any moderation. Especially when they are healthy, beautiful, and delectable.
Being / being healthy is a choice of its own, individual and not induced by idioms. For Dora Adora is to be aware and be informed of the benefits and functionalities provided by the recipes and the pleasure of consuming each product. The pleasure besides being associated with the flavor (healthy but very tasty sweets yes!) Is associated with a unique aesthetic where fashion and design is inspiration!
- Geo: Brazil;
- Commission: 5.6% by confirmed purchase;
- Available materials;
Come and enjoy!
Offer: A Dora Adora - Culinary Products