Jo Ram has a very big purpose in his vein, which is to make glasses thinking about women in real life. They think of you, before developing any product. From the quality of the lenses, to the comfort of fitting the nose.
For this they have a team of 3 people, who work tirelessly, always looking for the latest trends in the fashion world, adapting to high quality materials to produce our pieces and bring the best for you.
The brand appeared in 2017 and until today it is solid in the market and has the Ebit seal, which is a certification in which it classifies the quality of Brazilian virtual stores based on the opinion of consumers. If you still don't know the store and are afraid to make your first purchase, they work with PAGSEGURO, which is a payment platform that protects all financial transactions, both for the buyer and the seller.
Benefits:- Geo Brazil
- 7% commission for confirmed purchase
- Available Materials
Come check it out!