Rock week. Everyday in the offer Compra Certa will be a category with special discounts.
New text links were added to the offer!
Discounts up to 45%. Check it!
Promos valid until 18/07/2015
- Nação Embutir! Embed products with up to 38% Off on Compra Certa.
- Purificadores do Sucesso! Scrubbers with up to 40% Off! Only in Compra Certa.
- The Water Stripes! Washers with up to 38% Off! Just today!
- The Rolling Stoves! Cooking up to R $ 1,100 off! Check!
- The Freezers! Refrigerators with up to 45% Off! Just today! Do not miss!
- Week of Rock, a festival of offers for you! Check here!
Offer: Compra Certa - Online domestic appliances store