ID da campanha: 4533
Meta Pagamento Processando PostClick Taxa Aceitação
Paid order
Moeda: RUR
ID da meta: 5847 (Ativo)
7.69 % (p) Máximo 60 dias
Como média 15 dias
30 dias 20%

Segmentação geográfica:

Azerbaijão, Armênia, Bielorrússia, Cazaquistão, Quirguistão, Moldávia, Rússia, Tajiquistão, Turcomenistão, Uzbequistão, Ucrânia


Black Star Shop – is the official online store of fashionable youth clothes from known Russian hip-hop artist Timati.

Black Star Wear - clothing that can be worn both day and night. These bright clothes for the young and confident individuals. The collection was created especially for the residents of the metropolis, for those who live in a mad rhythm of the city and holds a hand on the pulse.

Fashionable Black Star looks are perfect for walking around the city, and for the club party. Clothing from Timati help to arrange the correct fashion accents in bright youth style, as developed in the direction of Street Style (the most popular destinations in vogue among young people).

Today opened 3 branded Black Star Wear Stores in Moscow and more than 30 stores in Russia and the NIS (Newly Independent States).

Customer’s benefits:

A wide range;

The fashion brand;

Various ways of payment and delivery.

Webmasters benefits:

Working with well-known brand;

More number of promotional materials;

Regular promotions and sweepstakes;

Average bill 4000-6500 rubles!

Landings (4):

Mostrar todos

Condições adicionais:

In contextual advertising it is forbidden to use words and all their derivatives::

Black Star
блэк стар
блек стар
одежда blackstar
одежда black star
одежда блэк стар
Black Star Wear
Black Star Shop
black star burger
блэк стар бургер

Тимати (TIMATI)
Егор Крид
Kristina Si
MC Doni
DJ Kan
Миша Марвин
Клавдия Кока
Дана Соколова