Tutu.ru- custom tours / railway and airline tickets

ID da campanha: 4290
Meta Pagamento Processando PostClick Taxa Aceitação
Paid order train tickets
Вознаграждение за оплаченный заказ - 6% Вознаграждение за оплаченный заказ с применением типа трафика "Cashback", а также с использованием купонов - 1%
Moeda: RUR
ID da meta: 5513 (Ativo)
1-6 % Máximo 39 dias
30 dias 30%
Paid booking air ticket
Вознаграждение за оплаченный заказ - 1.3% Вознаграждение за оплаченный заказ с применением типа трафика "Cashback", а также с использованием купонов - 1%
Moeda: RUR
ID da meta: 5514 (Ativo)
1-1.3 % Máximo 39 dias
30 dias Não há dados
Оплаченный заказ - Автобусы
Вознаграждение за оплаченный заказ - 6% Вознаграждение за оплаченный заказ с применением типа трафика "Cashback", а также с использованием купонов - 1%
Moeda: RUR
ID da meta: 16585 (Ativo)
1-6 % Máximo 30 dias
Como média 14 dias
30 dias Não há dados

Segmentação geográfica:

Áustria, Bielorrússia, Bélgica, Bulgária, Hungria, Alemanha, Grécia, Dinamarca, Itália, Canadá, Chipre, Letônia, Luxemburgo, Malta, Países Baixos, Polônia, Rússia, EUA, Eslováquia, Eslovênia, Ucrânia, Finlândia, França, Croácia, República Tcheca, Suíça, Suécia, Estônia


Tutu.ru - one of the most popular services in the Russian Federation, created for booking air and railway tickets, as well as hotels and hotels anywhere in the world.
In online mode, you can order tickets for any direction, to issue registered, find the perfect hotel for a few minutes, saving him time and money.
Also, for the convenience of customers on site are accurate schedule departure commuter trains, long-distance trains, information on departure and arrival of aircraft, availability and other useful information for traveling.
Due to the success and long-term cooperation with major shipping companies, Tutu.ru guarantee service quality, favorable conditions and affordable prices for customers.
Affiliate Program Rules Tutu.ru
Contextual Advertising
In all advertising words add minus the word. Download a mandatory list of negative words (attached to the letter of the file).
· Do not use keywords as name brands TRAVEL sites.
· Prohibiting all forms of content, leading directly or with an automatic redirect to the site tutu.ru.
· The text ads are prohibited from using branded keywords from the list (attached to offeru file).
· Prohibited context on railway topics (Air context can leave)
Doorway traffic
∙ You may not use doorway pages with automatic redirect, so-called "Black" and "gray" doorways
∙ You may not use second-level domains with the mention of a trademark tutu according to the rules of use of the registered trademark
∙ It is forbidden to copy the complete structure and design of the main site tutu.ru, not to introduce visitors to mislead
EMAIL - Newsletter
- Allowed only on an individual agreement with the manager offera
· Prohibited spam;
· It is forbidden to prevent illegal mass mailings via icq, soc. network, mass posting links, etc.
· It is forbidden to do e-mail on behalf of the company Tutu.ru;
· At the bottom of the unit should be explaining, on the basis of which the client received the newsletter and how it can unsubscribe from it.
General restrictions.
It is forbidden to produce automatically transition to the advertiser's site in a minimized window.
It is forbidden to automatically open an additional window after the transition to the advertiser's site.
Prohibited in order to attract customers / orders, use of trademarks not owned tutu.ru;
SEO optimization is forbidden to raise brand traffic;
Or to create clones website tutu.ru and (or) use an interface similar to the interface of the website tutu.ru;
It is forbidden to create groups in social networks on behalf of the company and use tutu.ru brand logo and company colors (everything that can confuse the user and indicate that it is the official group);
It is forbidden to create groups in social networks on behalf of other companies and put a travel search forms or links to the site Tutu.Ru;
Denied an automatic redirect, popup or unobstructed windows and any other intrusive types of advertising. (PopUp, ClickUnder, Toolbar, etc.).
We are interested in working with bloggers, video bloggers, with content sites, social clubs travelers. networks.
Join our program.

Landings (8):

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Condições adicionais:

Prohibited any forced open advertising.
It is allowed no-brand context, if it leads to the partner's site, and already from the web site , as an option, through the widget , to the TUTU site.

It is forbidden to use the brand "RZD" in the name of the site, ad texts. It is forbidden to use a design similar to the design of the site "RZD"

Link to STOP-words: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kABG5PQdsl3N-elzmdZXV2cCS3cNbP-mktK-uSsvLho/edit?usp=sharing

Notícias da campanha:

  • 19/10/2017, 17:58 The offer "Tutu.ru" added an action for webmasters!

    From 20th October till 20th November Tutu offer has its commission increased twice for a Paid order air ticket goal.
    The offer is available at Basic level.